Evenings @ the House: Your Response!

Friday, October 06, 2006

June @ the House

The June 15th Evening @ the House was full of engaging dialogue.

After mingling over drinks and hors d’oeuvres, Krista Skidmore and Rebecca Hutton reviewed the ground rules and intent of the evening.

Krista then introduced Dr. Scott Massey, President and CEO of the Indiana Humanities Council and co-author of Renewing American Culture and the Pursuit of Happiness. Dr. Massey gave a brief overview of his guiding vision for the Indiana Humanities Council. Then he discussed his new book that focuses on the need to pursue happiness. For more information on either, please visit www.indianahumanities.org.

After a brief Question and Answer period with Dr. Massey, Rebecca provided a brief introduction to the evening’s second speaker Molly Wilkinson Chavers, Executive Director of Indy Hub, Inc. Her organization focuses on connecting Indianapolis’ young professionals. Visit www.indyhub.org for more information about Indy Hub.

The group then worked in small table dialogues to address the appreciative question: How do we form networks that maximize human capital?

The small groups came up with the following ideas:
• Create a hub for Indiana’s 65,000 non-profits to identify each other geographically or by purpose
• Use http://www.100ideas.org as a model for generating innovative ideas for the future
• Hit the pavement and spread the word
• Use mediums that fit the audience
• To maximize, connect an individual’s needs, passions, skills, and abilities with community opportunities
• Network for teachers focused on something specific like coping with being a teacher
• Language focused groups: to promote mentoring opportunities so Learning new language isn’t just for kids
• Cross-company and/or cross-industry mentoring
• To get connected, volunteer
• Increase loan payoff opportunities in corporations for college grads (sign on bonus, relocation benefits, health/insurance benefits)
• Physical space/connections: sidewalks, trails, things to keep youth healthy and engaged
• Take personal responsibility for closing triangles (connect to people you know)
• Don’t limit groups to sameness, use differences to bring people together
• See the need, then act
• Do not rely on community leaders’ approval
• Develop networks by virtue
• Complete relationship capital inventory
• Regular forums for creativity
• Give and take, do not just take
• Feed relationships
• Stay in touch
• Share food

If you have questions about any of these ideas, post a comment or attend the next conversation.


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