Evenings @ the House: Your Response!

Friday, October 06, 2006

May @ the House

Here’s the scoop on the May Evenings @ House…
Thursday, May 18
5-7 p.m.
Indiana Humanities Council House
1500 North Delaware St.

Innovation in Brainpower- An Indianapolis Charter School Story and the Importance of Business in the Classroom

Scott Bess, chief operating officer
Goodwill Education Initiatives, Inc.

On Aug. 23, 2004, Goodwill Education Initiatives, Inc., a nonprofit entity established by Goodwill Industries of Central Indiana, Inc., opened Indianapolis Met to provide an educational option that did not exist in Indianapolis before.

Indianapolis Met believes that all students should have the opportunity to pursue education beyond high school. All Indianapolis Met students are required to apply to college, and students and their families are provided with support throughout the application process.

We aim to empower students to take charge of their learning, to gain the skills and knowledge necessary to achieve success beyond high school and to become lifelong learners.

Join us after work for a crucial conversation about statewide branding and what it means for YOU and Central Indiana. Light refreshments will fuel a healthy conversation about things that matter to you!

INVITE YOUR FRIENDS! Forward this e-mail to everyone you know so we can ensure a diverse, interesting crowd!

The program will begin at 5:15PM with an introduction about our process to date and the "Second Curve" knowledge economy and why conversations like these are so critical.

Scott Bess will present and his comments will set the stage for small group conversations.

Around 6:45PM, we will share the fruits of these appreciative conversations and plot strategic action steps.

Check out our progress to date at http://eveningsatthehouse.blogspot.com/

Our purpose with this series of crucial conversations is to convene and inform a critical mass of leaders that will a catalyst for change in three key action areas: 1) building strong economies; 2) developing human capital; and 3) encouraging connectivity between the public, private and government sectors.

the ReCap:

Annie Hernandez opened the evening sharing some talking points (see next post) about Evenings @ the House. Everyone is encourage to use these to talk to others about the conversations and invite them to the next one.

Ed Morrison did a quick introduction to the regional forums that have been happening across the state hosted by the Indiana Humanities Council. These forums have been using a similar format to Evenings @ the House. Attendees received a LENS toolkit which includes explanations of community conversation tools. If you are interested in learning more about the leadership forums happening in regions across the state, visit www.indianahumanities.org.

Scott Bess, VP and CIO of Goodwill Industries of Central Indiana, Inc., and COO of Goodwill Education Initiatives, Inc. shared a brief overview of charter schools in Indianapolis and then described the strategic direction of his schools, the Indianapolis Metropolitan Career Academies, two public charter high schools operated by Goodwill Education Initiatives. If you are interested in learning more about the schools or volunteering to be a mentor, host an intern, etc., contact Scott Bess at 317.524.4501 or visit them on-line at http://www.indianapolismet.org/default.asp.

The group then broke into small table conversations to consider the question:

What innovation(s) would allow education to best utilize business(es)?

After 20 minutes of discussion, the following ideas were shared:
• High school intern-net: like indianainternet.org but for high school students
• Open certification for business professionals: make teacher certification more accessible to business professionals
• Loaned executives for 1-2 year teaching sabbatical
• Task-a-teer- specific task/project and time
• Professional/social networking for teachers with learning component (across schools/discipline)---not CEUs!
• Have business folks serve on “review” teams for public/charter schools (ex. United Way- Governance/Management Review)
• Change education to reflect community assets- not just the wants of business- do matches
• Healthy community

If you have questions about any of these ideas, post a comment or attend the next conversation.


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