Evenings @ the House: Your Response!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

November @ the House

A Spirit and Place event!


What we talked about:

Annie Hernandez and Peg McLeish acted as moderators in a discussion on the need to create civic spaces where critical conversations can occur that help build the economy, develop human capital, and encourage connections among public, private, and governmental organizations.

We need to weave innovation networks by "connecting and developing"

Key points to consider:

1. We need to shift our thinking from hierarchies to networks
2. Command and control does not work in the civic space
3. We need to connect and align our resources in the civic space
4. We need continuous civic engagement: habits of collabortation
5. People move in direction of their conversations
6. We need open participation and leadership direction to guide our conversations
7. We need to develop the practice of "strategic doing"
8. Most regions are fragmented...people are still living in a curve 1 world
9. We can use network maps, new leadership skills and "strategic doing" to weave our networks
10. To build regional collaboration, take the Shanghai perspective

What we came up with:

Brainpower: We need to prepare ALL kids for post-secondary education, whether it be college, trade, or technical school. Kids that arn't going to college should still be motivated and encouraged to go far in their field.
Start at the most local level.

Entrepreneur and Innovation Networks: Entrepreneurship needs to be re-defined to be about people and not businesses. How do you get the people to THINK BIG?

Effective Branding: Discussed the role of history in branding.
Progression to "new" brand rely's more and more on technology to get the word out--and to get feedback.
Organic vs. Business Strategy.

Quality, Connected Places: We need to bridge the dis-connect between community members and government. Make government more transparent and accessible.
Use technology for better connectivity.
Non-traditional forums: university's, cultural districts, etc.